El Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra Sierra de Guadalcanal es el zumo natural de la aceituna, obtenido por molturación de nuestras variedades: 75% Pico Limón, autóctona de la zona y de inigualable calidad, y el 25% restante de otras variedades como Manzanilla, Lechín o Zorzaleña.

El resultado es un aceite de oliva, de color amarillo oro, verdoso, frutado, suave, con sabor dulzón a fruta madura, poco amargo y poco picante.


Extra Virgin Olive Oil Sierra de Guadalcanal is obtained just from the natural juice of the olives, without added heat or chemicals. We cold-mill a unique bouquet of olive varieties where at least 75% should be Pico Limón olives and the remaining 25% includes other olives varieties such as Manzanilla, Lechín or Zorzaleña.

Pico-Limón olives only grow in the Sierra Morena Sevillana hills and provide to our oil a singular high quality. The result is a greenish golden yellow olive oil that reveals a delicate fruitiness fragrance with hints of freshly cut grass.  Pico-Limon olives produce an oil whose flavor is subtly bitter and spicy and gently sweet as the ripe fruit.